Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Nation of Israel Prophesied

Scattered, Hated, but Back

The world has seen some amazing things come to pass, but perhaps none as improbable as the return of a nation after not existing for almost 2000 years. The Hebrew people went into exile in 132 AD at the hands of the Roman Empire after Emperor Hadrian had enough of the Jew’s violent rebellions. They were scattered throughout the Roman world and beyond. Throughout the Middle Ages the Jews were abused and driven from one place to the next. During this time the Jews maintained their blood lines and a unique culture. Jewish persecution culminated in the holocaust in which 6 million Jews were slaughtered (that is apx 80 Super Bowl stadiums filled to capacity, for perspective). By 1948, 800,000 Jews had returned to Palestine and on May 14 of that year, the State of Israel was restarted. Since then several amazing prophecies were fulfilled and the doors opened for many more to come to pass.     

I will list the entire chapter of Ezekiel 36 below for context, but I will refer to specific verses in the commentary. I highly encourage you to read the entire passage. It truly speaks for itself, and you will gain much more from reading it than you will from reading my comments.

Hope for the Mountains of Israel
36 “Son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, ‘Mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord. 2 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: The enemy said of you, “Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession.”’ 3 Therefore prophesy and say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because they ravaged and crushed you from every side so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations and the object of people’s malicious talk and slander, 4 therefore, mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Sovereign Lord: This is what the Sovereign Lord says to the mountains and hills, to the ravines and valleys, to the desolate ruins and the deserted towns that have been plundered and ridiculed by the rest of the nations around you— 5 this is what the Sovereign Lord says: In my burning zeal I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, for with glee and with malice in their hearts they made my land their own possession so that they might plunder its pastureland.’ 6 Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel and say to the mountains and hills, to the ravines and valleys: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I speak in my jealous wrath because you have suffered the scorn of the nations. 7 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I swear with uplifted hand that the nations around you will also suffer scorn.
8 “‘But you, mountains of Israel, will produce branches and fruit for my people Israel, for they will soon come home. 9 I am concerned for you and will look on you with favor; you will be plowed and sown, 10 and I will cause many people to live on you—yes, all of Israel. The towns will be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. 11 I will increase the number of people and animals living on you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the Lord. 12 I will cause people, my people Israel, to live on you. They will possess you, and you will be their inheritance; you will never again deprive them of their children.
13 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because some say to you, “You devour people and deprive your nation of its children,” 14 therefore you will no longer devour people or make your nation childless, declares the Sovereign Lord. 15 No longer will I make you hear the taunts of the nations, and no longer will you suffer the scorn of the peoples or cause your nation to fall, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”
Israel’s Restoration Assured
16 Again the word of the Lord came to me: 17 “Son of man, when the people of Israel were living in their own land, they defiled it by their conduct and their actions. Their conduct was like a woman’s monthly uncleanness in my sight. 18 So I poured out my wrath on them because they had shed blood in the land and because they had defiled it with their idols. 19 I dispersed them among the nations, and they were scattered through the countries; I judged them according to their conduct and their actions. 20 And wherever they went among the nations they profaned my holy name, for it was said of them, ‘These are the Lord’s people, and yet they had to leave his land.’ 21 I had concern for my holy name, which the people of Israel profaned among the nations where they had gone.
22 “Therefore say to the Israelites, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake, people of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone. 23 I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the Sovereign Lord, when I am proved holy through you before their eyes.
24 “‘For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. 25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. 26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. 28 Then you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. 29 I will save you from all your uncleanness. I will call for the grain and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon you. 30 I will increase the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, so that you will no longer suffer disgrace among the nations because of famine. 31 Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. 32 I want you to know that I am not doing this for your sake, declares the Sovereign Lord. Be ashamed and disgraced for your conduct, people of Israel!
33 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt. 34 The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it. 35 They will say, “This land that was laid waste has become like the Garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited.” 36 Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the Lord have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.’
37 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Once again I will yield to Israel’s plea and do this for them: I will make their people as numerous as sheep, 38 as numerous as the flocks for offerings at Jerusalem during her appointed festivals. So will the ruined cities be filled with flocks of people. Then they will know that I am the Lord.”


In Light of Modern Events

This chapter was written when the Israelites were in captivity in Babylon. There is certainly debate as to whether this portion of scripture is written concerning the Israelites returning from their captivity in Babylon (which obviously happened), or if this is written concerning Israel’s recent return in these last days. The ensuing chapters (37, 38 and 39) lead me to believe this is referring to modern events, as well as the fact that the passage references the Israelites being scattered and gathered from among the nations (not just from Babylon). Regardless, looking at past and present happenings in light of this chapter, it is very hard to deny the incredible fulfillment of this prophecy in our current time.

In plain language the passage says that Israel will be scattered among the nations. They were scattered in unbelief and in rebellion (v17-21).  This certainly happened, beginning in AD 132.

Israel and God Profaned Globally

Throughout this chapter Ezekiel, writing what the Lord spoke to him, speaks of Israel’s enemy’s triumph (verse 1), slander (v3), ridicule (v4), taunts (v15), and scorn (v15) against the Jews after they were scattered. There is even mention of God’s name being profaned among the nations because of Israel (v22, 23). Sadly, this to me is the most obvious fulfilled prophecy in this passage. Throughout the ages the Jews have been hated and discriminated against by all the nations, even by people claiming to be Christians.

Christians should know God’s place and plans and grace for Israel, rebellious as they have been (throughout Biblical history and even recently), and cling to it! We Christians are rebellious and profane God’s name at times through our actions both before and even after being saved. We should be encouraging toward Israel, knowing that if God keeps his promises toward her, He is faithful to keep his promises for us.   

You only had to be on this planet a short time before you realized the anti Semitism that exists. It exists beyond the Middle East. It was obvious after WWII. How many Jew jokes have you heard? Every joke told fulfilled this prophecy.

Still not convinced about the scorn and hate for Israel? Do an experiment. Go to Facebook and in the search box type “hate” then type in some random countries that there may be hate toward. North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc. Then type “hate Israel” and compare the number of pages, groups and the amount of likes for “hate Israel” compared to “hate___”. It is completely irrational the amount of hate toward God’s children.

Desolation Succumbs to God’s Blessing

Mark Twain visited what was then Palestine (now called Israel again) and described how desolate the land had become: ".....A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse....a desolation....we never saw a human being on the whole route....hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

What he described is exactly what verses 33-36 foretell. The land was desolate for almost 2000 years with no one to irrigate or work the land. This was supposed to be the “land flowing with milk and honey”.

However, when Israel restarted in 1948, things began to change. Today, even in an arid climate we see some of the most scientifically advanced and successful agriculture practices on the planet. Through innovative drip irrigation and fertilization methods, as well as genetic innovation, Israel, through the Lords blessing, has caused the land to bear fruit again.


Israel’s Mediterranean climate permits it to grow a very wide variety of fruits, vegetables and other produce. From cotton to dairy, dates and figs to citrus and avocados, the small country in the desert grows 95% of its consumed food products. It also exports about 20% of what it grows to Europe and other countries in the Middle East.

Isaiah 27:6

In days to come Jacob will take root,
Israel will bud and blossom
and fill all the world with fruit.




Re-gathered but not Reborn

Israel is back in their land, surrounded by enemies, at times with only the US supporting their right to defend themselves. They have brought the Hebrew language back from being a dead language and speak it today. They are blessed with many great scientific minds that have lead to great innovation in computer, medical and defense technology. It is amazing what the Lord has done for them.

God said that he would restore Israel to their homeland, not because of their action, remorse or worthiness, but to prove his supreme power and name to them and to the other watching nations (v21-23). He is not finished with Israel yet! They are still in unbelief. Many of them don’t even believe in God’s existence; very few of them trust in His Son, Jesus as their salvation. But later we will see how God chooses to reveal himself to his people again. It’s exciting!

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