Monday, May 5, 2014

Ukraine Will be Russia

The Russian Senate has approved Putin's plan to intervene in the Ukraine. I can't help but feel this is both a power grab from a newly strengthened Russia, as well as a testing of the waters with regards to foreign reaction. With its down-sizing military and floundering economy, Putin knows the US will not stop him. But now it looks as if he may not even have to lift a finger with civil war beginning to erupt within Ukraine. Putin may be able to allow the pro-Russian militias to do his dirty work. 
If things begin to shift out if his favor though, be ready for overt Russian action. One way or another, Ukraine will be Russia.
If he does move on Ukraine, what are the political and economic repercussions Russia will face for invading a sovereign nation? I don't believe there will be much of an outcry, and Putin will be further emboldened. 

Russian armor builds up for Ukraine (Debka image) 

Putin wants to restore Russia to its previous power and is trying to do so without raising "red flags". Russia continues to arm Middle Eastern nations and strengthen ties with them, wisely gaining allies and resources without hostilities. In Ezekiel 38-39, there is much talk of what many believe to be a strengthened Russia (Gog and Magog) leading Middle Eastern nations in a massive invasion of Israel in the last days. It is very interesting to observe the Geo-political landscape in that region as it lines up exactly how the Bible says it will in the end.
Pray for the safety of the innocents, and keep an eye on what unfolds in Russia's latest power grab and test of the international community.   

Article on Gog and Magog Bible Passage
Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog 
CNN Article
Debka File Article

Ukraine Slides into Civil War

Interesting article on

Ukraine slides into civil war amid Merkel’s bid to bridge US-Russian differences. Putin resigns responsibility

Why should Russia invade if the Russians inside can take care of things themselves. I'm sure they are still getting plenty of help from Putin, however. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Failed Peace Talks in the Holy Land

We should not be surprised when peace talks fail in Israel. Peace (and a false peace at that) will only come to Israel when the antichrist sets it up in the last days (Daniel 9:27). 

Debka File artical on the most recent failed peace talks.