I know for some this is old news already, but I felt I should share this. Christian martyr deaths doubled in 2013 across the world. A major reason for this is the uprising/civil war that has raged on in Syria. Sadly, the insurgents/freedom fighters/rebels/terrorists that are battling President Assad and have the US support in many ways, are some of the primary culprits, responsible for over 1200 murders. While Assad has certainly fit the description of a dictator, he, as a secular leader, has allowed Christians in his country to live in peace with little persecution. However, as his control has slipped away, these rebels have gained control over many cities and have persecuted Believers mercilessly in many places. The reports truly are disturbing so I will allow you to research them for yourself.
While democracy is a wonderful thing, sadly, the Middle East has shown that it isn't for everyone. When Egypt elected a Muslim Brotherhood member as president, it became clear: a democracy is only as good as her people. This should be a solemn warning to the US foreign affairs and Christians alike. If the masses prefer violence and hate, democracy is not exactly the best option.
Pray for our brothers and sisters in the Middle East as the war rages on in Syria, unrest and persecution mounts in Egypt, and persecution continues as usual throughout the region. Also pray for our nation's leadership to have wisdom when making foreign arms support and diplomacy decisions.